Thursday, April 7, 2011

My thoughts on Full Frontal Feminism

Reading this chapter of the book was kind of hard for me, I believe women should have every right a man has women are beautiful and amazing no matter how they look or who they are but then again I dont think like most men.  Feminism is a very negitive word and got to be that way because of feminist like Jessica Valenti.  I know i know hold on she is great to go out and right a book like this and bring awarness to young women but if you read her book perticularly this chapter you can see she is not out for equal rights she wants her rights and take away everyone elses too.  In this chapter she talks about her right to use birth control and get abortions which i totally agree with where I draw the line is when she speaks about taking all blame away from women when they report being raped.  Yes if it happen and she was trully rape take the sob who did cut his nuts off then kill him, but when you start agruing that all rape cases should be treated equle and we should take away the deffendent right to show the women accusing him may not be telling the truth by attaking her character or asking why she is wearing a two inch mini skrit in an club rubbing her crouch all over they guy and then the next morning crys rape thats horriable.  We all have the right to due process amd a fair trial even if that means hurting some ones feeling. She is totally closed minded and needs to respect and protect the rights of everyone that are granted us by the constitution not just fight for her rights why she denies everyone else theres.  Thats why fiminism get a bad name.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh,

    You make some interesting claims. Point to somewhere in the book for me where you think that Valenti is being close-minded. Where in the book does she deny other persons' rights? Why does Valenti give feminism a bad name?

    Some of the claims that you bring up have also been brought into question by others. I am familiar with them; however, the reason why you side here is because you are a man. That isn't to say that I am being pig headed, but the way that women see and react to things are different than a man. How we are raised and how we identify with this world is different. While I call myself a feminist, I understand that women have not had equal rights as compared to white men. When we look at our nation's history, women were treated as property, not persons. Women did not have the right to vote. Women did not have equal access to jobs. Women did not and still do not make the same as men -- doing the same job. Women did not have equal reproductive rights. Birth control finally became available for married women in the 50s and single women in the 60s. Finally, abortion became legal with Roe v. Wade in the 70s. When we look at our nation's history, the white, prominent man has not had to fight for many things. That is why feminism advocates for the advancement of women's rights -- not to say that women are greater than men, but so that we will have EQUAL rights. I wanted to make sure you understood that.

    Ms. C
